Hey there and welcome!
My name is Sophie and I am a freelance illustrator and Concept Artist based in Germany.
My passion lies within creating fantastic characters and settings. I’ve always had a vivid interest in the art of storytelling and I believe that everything has a story to be told, which I love to express through my pieces. I was able to collect a vastful amount of experience in the past 6 years while working on my co-author Ezra’s and my original comic “Before the Dawn”, and it has taught me a lot, not only about storytelling and art in general, but also about worldbuilding and character design and development.
In the past I have mostly worked with various book authors for cover illustrations and private clients for character design purposes. I have also dipped into advertisement of fantasy and comic conventions by representative artwork and painted an anniversary illustration for CD Project’s ‘The witcher 2’. Since 2016 you can find me at various local conventions under the alias of ManaArts, where I sell the original artworks and comics. I would love to expand more of my work and efforts on collaborating with the tabletop and gaming industry in the near future.